Iterate on dashboards and visualizations with zero code, no eng dependencies. Drill down functionality: Metabase allows users to drill down into their data to organize and present it in the form of hierarchies for easier data access and understanding. Make it your own with easy, no-code whitelabeling. Similarly Helical Insight supports drill down wherein you can click and see more granular data across a hierarchy or based on where we are clicking and what we. Launch faster than you can pick a charting library with our iframe or JWT-signed embeds. Power your product’s reporting by embedding charts, dashboards or all of Metabase. Model ] // locations (would look for fields with matching types on the same table? connected tables?), ,, ] // future: numeric binning (hypothetical binning by bin-width syntax. Customer facing analytics in days, not sprints. The tool then displays answers in formats that make the. dates, ,, ,, ] // specific fields hierarchies, // e.x. Metabase is an open-source business intelligence tool that allows users to ask questions about data. Also known as Signed Embedding, Static embedding offers drill-through with custom destinations, so you can define what happens when people click on a chart, like sending people to another chart or URLall while securing the underlying data.